Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Circumventing Censure

Organic Recycling, Hakkari, Kurdistan

So, it happens that good old Assad doesn't like FB and all the Israeli conspirators apparently striving to be your next FB friend. Therefore, FB is obscured in Syria. Nice one.

Anyway, God and the Web have infinite ways and to stop them all is pretty unfeasibile.

Therefore, after 4 days between Euphrates and Syrian desert, I gradually moved from the chador-ed women of Raqqa to the mini-skirts of Lattakia, and tomorrow I'll set for Aleppo.

a la prochaine

P.S. Per gli eventuali italiani interessati alla sorte del sottoscritto, FB e' illegale in siria, quindi non daro' mie notizie per un po' (che culo). Ora sono a Lattakia, la riccione siriana, domani Aleppo...

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