Friday 10 December 2010

What is Violence?

is violence a gaze,
a charge on the crowd, a maze of keffiyeh, placards and sound?
is violence a moving pack, the frenetic urge of thousands getting stuck, the lonely wisdom of a revolting stomach?
is violence a symmetry of green benches?
is violence the violence done erasing evidences?
is violence a silence?
is violence, coherence?
is violence a stance, gesture, fragrance?
is violence a march, is violence massacre?
is violence red warmth in the bowels, black noise on the square, the white shock of mental congestion, the grey glue of dejection?
is it rejection?
is it procrastination?
is violence being the same everyday, insane on extraordinary day, radical on mayday?
is violence throwing stones, receiving stones, carving stones, the monotonous placing of first stones?
is violence a placard, a vote, a laugh, a shivering in the cold, a spit on the batoons?
is violence common sense?
is violence the police?
is violence a matrix of control?
is violence a meretrice?
is violence helicopters hovering forever, legs taking the street in every crisis, opening a crack in every hard-cover, breaking the law into thousand pieces?
is violence a violation of pure thought, burning the cold in the freezing crowd, a hysterical dance over a Greek pillar, a purposeful sublimation in the smoky cloud?
is violence a fury, and blind, an unwarranted action, a reaction, a painful contraction?
is violence a stasis, a revolutionary hypothesis, the day-to-day mimesis, the once in a while catharsis?
is the murmur that dwells in the air when the air is gone, that resounds in the ear when is chopped off, that shines in the eyes made by punches blind?

rising pressure on shaken helmets,
bloody rivulets on filthy hairs,
non-cancerous proliferation of unsettling joy,
enveloping vapour which makes you smile,
burning wood,
burning wood,
burning wood
that keeps alive the soft tissue in which you fail.

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